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Stöber SI6
Compact multi axis servo drives

  • Multi axis drives - central power supply
  • 5 - 50A nominal (peak 210%)
  • Drive and controller based control (CiA402)
Stober SI6 servodrive with PSA power supply
2 Stober SI6 servoregelaar met Quick dc link
3 Stober SI6 servoregelaar met twee-assige-regelaars
4 Stober SI6 servoregelaar met SD6 servoregelaars
6 Stober SI6 servoregelaar met servomotoren hyperface een kabel
7 Stober SI6 servoregelaar staal draad productie
5_Slider_Stober_SI6 regelaar met SD6 regelaar

Multi axis servo drives with one centralised power supply. The SI6 drives are available in mono axe and double axis modules and can be connected in many numbers on one dc-bus voltage with the limit of 200A. The concept is very small: a double axis module of 2 x 5 Amps is only 45 mm width.
The very fast contoller has a position, speed and current cycletime of 62,5 µs.

Very compact design of the SI6 drives and PS6A power supply

Due to the compact design many space can be saved in the electrical cabinet.

The SI6 drive is available with the following dimensions(w x h x d)

  • SI6A061 - mono axe - 5A nom:           45 x 343 x 265
  • SI6A062 - double axis - 2 x 5A nom:   45 x 343 x 265
  • SI6A161 - mono axe - 12A nom:         65 x 343 x 286
  • SI6A162 - double axis - 2 x 12A nom: 65 x 343 x 286
  • SI6A261 - mono axe - 22A nom:         65 x 343 x 286
  • SI6A262 - double axis - 2 x 24A nom: 105 x 343 x 286
  • SI6A361 - mono axe - 50A nom:         105 x 343 x 286

The PS6A power supplies are availabe in two sizes:

  • PS6A24 - 10kW - 25A: 45 x 343 x 204
  • PS6A34 - 20 kW - 50A: 65 x 343 x 219

Energy savings by one bus voltage via DC Quick Link

Via the handy Quick DC-Link system the drives are on one DC bus connected to the power supply. Energy fed from one drive can therefore be used for the acceleration of another drive. As a result, energy is saved and the power supply can be dimensioned lower. The power supply can work with one central resistor that can also be dimensioned lower.

The Quick DC-Left system is placed behind the power supply and drives, and connected via a copper conductor rails of 12 x 5 mm up to a maximum of 200A. When one power supply is not sufficient, three pieces PSA624 or six pieces PSA634 can be used parallel.

Connection and power supply of SD6 drives

The SI6 drives can also be linked with the SD6 controllers by using the Quick DC-Link. For example, when more powerfull drives are required (above 50A nominal). When also the power supply of the SD6 drive size 3 is adequate for the SI6 controllers there is no separate PSA6 power supply needed.

A symmetrical load on the two-axis controllers

When one of the two-axis drives is not used for 100% of its nominal current, it is possible to use the other drive with a higher current as nominal. For example, when for one axis nominally 3A is required for the second axis nominally 6A may be applied to the two-axis SI6A062 (2 x 5A nom). This allows a heavier drive is saved.

Encoder feedback

The SI6 inverters are suitable for servo motors with following feedback:

  • EnDat 2.2
  • EnDat 3, single-cable solution
  • Resolver
  • SSI
  • Incremental (TTL or HTL with adapter)

For use with EnDAT 2.2 and EnDAT 3 are the Stöber EZ servo motors with electronic nameplate available.
A resolution of more than 33 million positions per revolution (37 bits) can be achieved.

Open communication with EtherCAT or ProfiNet

The SI6 is equipped with an EtherCAT fieldbus that can be configured as Profinet:
- Based Control of Drive-Based Control (CiA402)
Control via motion controllers such as the Trio MC4N motion controller or controllers with CoDeSys V3 as the Stober MC6 controller.
Drive-Based Control with PLCs.

Safety: STO - Safe Torque Off

The SI6 controllers can be equiped with STO via hardware terminals or FailSafe over EtherCAT (FSoE). The SI6 meets the highest safety Level e (Cat. 4) according to EN 13849-1.

Benefits Stöber SI6 servo controller

  • Central power supply - DC Quick Link:
    - Energy saving
    - Saving installation costs
  • Cost savings hardware concept:
    - One resistor
    - One power supply
    - Reduced sizing power and braking resistor
    - Dual-axis controller with asymmetrical load
  • Compact control cabinet installation
  • Flexibility integration SD6 controllers
  • Quick response, short lines
  • Renowned manufacturers
  • Profound product knowledge
  • High reliability

We supply slewing ring bearings, oscillating mountings, tensioner devices from stock and we also have spiral bevel gearboxes, servo gears and electromechanical actuators in our delivery program.

In addition we also select and offer the right components and systems for motion control solutions, such as servo gear motors, linear servo actuators and complete XYZ cartesian systems.

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