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NEFF spindles and screw jacks new at ATB Automation

Date: 10 May 2022

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Expansion of delivery program throughout the Benelux

ATB Automation has more than 40 years of experience with spindles and screw jacks in Belgium. With NEFF Gewindetriebe, ATB Automation realizes a geographical expansion for the entire Benelux. With lifting forces of up to 500kN, there are solutions for various industries. The screw jacks can be driven with a wide range of motors and controls from the Motion Control department of ATB Automation.
NEFF ballscrews are available up to 80mm diameter in combination with various types of runner nuts. The NEFF trapezoidal spindles are available up to 120mm diameter.


NEFF spindle lifting elements M-J / MH-JH Series

The standard screw jacks are efficient and applicable in various applications.

  • Lifting screw jack, axial or rotating screw
  • Lifting capacities of 2,5 to 500 kN
  • Trapezoidal spindle or ballscrew

NEFF screw jack C-Serie

The "classic" screw jacks are ideally suited for applications in heavy industry and more extreme environmental conditions.

  • Lifting screw jack, axial or rotating screw
  • Lifting capacities of 5 to 500 kN
  • Trapezoidal spindle or ballscrew

NEFF screw jacks G-Serie

The screw jacks G-series are ideally suited for applications with fast lifting movements.

  • Lifting screw jack, with spiral toothed bevel gear
  • Up to 90kN. Ingoing rpm up to 3000 min-1
  • Trapezoidal spindle or ballscrew

NEFF Ball Screws KGT

The NEFF ballscrews KGT are extremely accurate and available in various quality classes.

  • Ascending to accuracy class T5 (23µ/300mm)
  • Diameters up to 80mm
  • Ball nuts type KGF and KGM

NEFF Trapezoidal spindles TGT

The NEFF Trapezoidal spindles TGT are widely used in industry.

  • Standard lengths up to 6,000mm
  • Diameters up to 120mm
  • 6 types of nuts available as standard


Contact or more information:

Contact us directly for advice on the most suitable spindle / spindle lifting element for your application:

  • Send your inquiry to
  • Call our Dutch specialist Rico Godfried on +31 297 38 05 69.
  • Call our Belgian specialist Michael Van Roey on +32 2 588 80 08.

Delivery in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg.

  • Quick response, short lines
  • Renowned manufacturers
  • Profound product knowledge
  • High reliability

We supply slewing ring bearings, oscillating mountings, tensioner devices from stock and we also have spiral bevel gearboxes, servo gears and electromechanical actuators in our delivery program.

In addition we also select and offer the right components and systems for motion control solutions, such as servo gear motors, linear servo actuators and complete XYZ cartesian systems.

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