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The cheapest energy is the energy you don’t use

Date: 17 January 2024

Michael en motorfundatie 2 Saving enerie with Rosta motorbase Rosta Motorfundatie Winning grondstoffen met Rosta motorwippen

"Approximately one third of motors are equipped with friction belt drives. The performance and efficiency of many belt drives can be improved through the addition of dynamic tensioning technology, the resulting reductions in electricity consumption and associated CO2 emissions can be significant."

I have been employed by ATB Automation as a sales engineer for 2 years. One of the products that I like to recommend to our customers are the multifunctional Rosta rubber spring elements because they allow drive users to achieve significant savings in terms of durability, cost price and operational reliability.

A good example is the use of a motorbase. A motorbase is a mechanical pre-tensioning unit on which a motor is mounted, which achieves optimum belt tension. It is a self-tensioning system that requires no additional checks or maintenance after installation. The most important result is that the efficiency of the drive system is significantly increased and energy losses are minimal.

Investment earned back within one year

At a customer, active in the extraction of raw materials, we carried out a test by calculating an installation in which 4 transport systems are each equipped with an 11 kW asynchronous motor. It has been calculated that more than € 4,000 will be saved in energy on an annual basis by using 4 Rosta MB38 motorbases. If we compare that with the investment of these 4 motorbases, it quickly becomes clear that the investment will be recouped within a year.

In addition to this saving in energy, our customer also saves on minimal wear of the belt and especially on minimal downtime for maintenance or repairs.

Sustainability for our future

Saving costs and optimizing operational reliability is always an important trigger and factor for investments for users. But in recent years there has been a growing realization that saving energy is not only a saving in costs, but above all a significant reduction in CO2 emissions and therefore an important contribution to the preservation of our world. If we further calculate the application of the customer mentioned, it appears that in addition to the saving of € 4,000, CO2 emissions are also reduced by no less than 1.8 tons annually. It is therefore great that with the Rosta rubber spring elements we also contribute positively to a sustainable world for our future.

Would you also like to know what you can save with Rosta motorbases?

Would you like to calculate for yourself what your savings in energy costs and CO2 emissions could be? Rosta has published a calculation program, which you can find by clicking here. Naturally, I or one of my colleagues will also be happy to visit you for advice and to calculate the costs.

Placed by: Michael Van Roey

Michael Van Roey

+32 2 588 80 08

Michael Van Roey has been working at ATB Automation since 2022. Michael is a sales engineer in the Belux for mechanical drive components such as Rosta, Bönnekamp, Rotar, Tandler, Neff and Torriani.


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