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Rack and pinion drives

Innovative design rack and pinion drives with supporting bearing cover.

Rack and pinion drives

Innovative design rack and pinion drives with supporting bearing cover permanently bolted in place.
For applications in machine manufacture, automation and robotics.

STÖBER ZV rack and pinion drive

Compact systems with pinion directly mounted on the gearbox for rack and pinion drives. Suitable for robots and handlingsystems.
For gear units in the Stöber series: PE / P / PA / PK / PKX / PE / KS / K / KL, modules 2, 3 and 4 with spur and spiral toothing.
Force: 5 – 17 kN.

Zero backlash shaft hub connection (shrink glued and connected via feather key).

STÖBER ZR gear rack drive

The new ZTR design gear rack drive with supporting bearing cover permanently bolted in place makes it possible to fully utilize the gearunit's torque. As a consequence smaller gear units and smaller motors can be used.

Innovative system concept for gear rack drives in machine tool manufacture.

On conventional gear rack drives (with-out supporting bearing) the gear unit bearing is the limiting element and as a result defines a gear unit size that is often over-dimensioned for the actual torque required.

1. ZTRS rack and pinion drive

  • Availabe in the PH, PHA, PHQ and PHQA-series planetary gear units with module sizes 2 - 10.
  • Spur and spiral toothing.
  • Feed force: 16 – 124 kN.
  • Feed velocity: to 4.7 m/s.

2. ZTR rack and pinion drive with flange pinion without supporting lug

  • Availabe in the PH and PHA-series planetary gear units with module sizes 2 - 8.
  • Spur and spiral toothing.
  • Feed force: 5,5 - 56 kN.
  • Feed velocity: 4,7 m/s.

3. ZR rack and pinion drive with pinion with circular perforations for high speeds

  • Availabe in the PH and PHA-series planetary gear units with module sizes 2 - 4.
  • Spiral toothing.
  • Feed force: 1,7 - 12 kN.
  • Feed velocity: 6,8 m/s.
  • Quick response, short lines
  • Renowned manufacturers
  • Profound product knowledge
  • High reliability

We supply slewing ring bearings, oscillating mountings, tensioner devices from stock and we also have spiral bevel gearboxes, servo gears and electromechanical actuators in our delivery program.

In addition we also select and offer the right components and systems for motion control solutions, such as servo gear motors, linear servo actuators and complete XYZ cartesian systems.

Peter-Stober meeting

From challenge to opportunity with Stöber safety technology

A safe machine with minimal downtime, without compromises on performance because safety techniques throw a spanner in the works. “That sounds...

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