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New joint name for Mijnsbergen and ATB Automation per 2016

Date: 11 September 2015

Optimal communication with one name!

Since 1950 Mijnsbergen and ATB Automation supply components and systems to machine manufacturers and production companies in the Benelux. Our vision and policy fit the technological developments in a rapidly changing market, the increasing safety requirements, legislation and particularly the wishes and expectations of our customers. Continuously investing in resources, facilities and expecially in our personnel is a central objective. Our personnel are crucial tot he important “difference” and the eventual customer satisfaction. An added value leading towards effective and succesful drive solutions.

Exclusive representation of highly renowned brands form the core of our high quality and wide range of power transmission and motion control product programm. Furthermore we possess a well equipped service center, where assemblies, repairs and projects are carried out by highly skilled personnel. Along with an extensive stock of components, our logistics center, our expertise, experience ánd our people, we stand out in the service provision to our customers.

From our location in Mijdrecht (NL) operates in the Dutch market. ATB Automation, Sint-Pieters-Leeuw (BE, is an independent and bilingual organization operating in the Belgian and Luxemburg market. Since 2002 both companies are managed by a central management. Many business processes are already organized centrally. Local personnel will remain available for the local market.

Change of name as from 1 Januari 2016

Communication with the market is the key objective within our organization. This is done in many ways, such as personal contacts, via internet, social media, news letters, mailings and exhibition participations. Because we function as one organization and in order to continue developping the communication more powerful and more effectively and efficiently, we will communicate with one name in the Benelux as from 1 January 2016.

This new name will be ATB Automation.

The new email address for all personnel will be [first name] and our website address wil be

In addition, both locations will be jointly working from one centralized ERP system as from 1 January 2016.

Locations and contact persons remain unchanged

Both the office in Sint-Pieters-Leeuw and in Mijdrecht continue to exist in their current form. Each locatin will retain its own sales, order processing and service team. Our contact persons will all still be available to you.

Changes for customers in the Netherlands

For our Dutch customers only the name name of Mijnsbergen changes to ATB Automation. Other details such as Chamber of Commerce, VAT and IBAN number remain unchanged.

Changes for customers in Belgium and Luxembourg

For our Belgian and Luxembourg customers the name ATB Automation remains unchanged. The customers will receive order confirmations and invoices with changed VAT and IBAN number as from 1 January 2016 due tot the centralization of the order administration system. These new data are also on 1 January at the bottom of the stationery. These new data are also listed at the bottom of the stationery from 1 January.

  • Quick response, short lines
  • Renowned manufacturers
  • Profound product knowledge
  • High reliability

We supply slewing ring bearings, oscillating mountings, tensioner devices from stock and we also have spiral bevel gearboxes, servo gears and electromechanical actuators in our delivery program.

In addition we also select and offer the right components and systems for motion control solutions, such as servo gear motors, linear servo actuators and complete XYZ cartesian systems.

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