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Rosta AB-D
Compact oscillating mounting

  • Compact oscillating mounting
  • Load up to 16,000 N per unit
  • Natural frequencies approx. 3 – 4.5 Hz
Rosta oscillating mounting compact AB-D

The oscillating mounting type AB-D of Rosta is the "Price Breaker" among the freely oscillating mountings.
The AB-D oscillating unit is in 7 sizes avialable up to a maximum load of 16,000 N per AB-D.

The pantograph-like construction of the two parallel rubber suspension units gives the AB-D oscillation unit characteristics similiar to the Rosta units AB and AB TWIN. Because of the significantly shorter lever connections (in the double rubber suspension unit), the AB-D oscillating unit offers a much higher loading capacity than the AB for the same compact design. The linear spring deflection under load is still sufficient to assure for this oscillating unit the respectably low natural frequency of ca. 3.2 Hz. At a vibrator or wave frequency of ca. 16 Hz, this is sufficient for a high insulation efficiency of ca. 95%. As with all screening machine mountings from ROSTA, the characteristic of the AB-D assists the linear oscillation motion of the screen.

No lateral guides are necessary for passing through resonance in a controlled manner; the mounting is laterally stable. 


  • Size AB-D 18 - 45: housing of alumium profile
  • Size AB-D 50: housing of spheroidal graphite iron

Advantages AB-D oscillating mounting

  • Compacte design
  • Higher loading capacity per oscillating mounting
  • Ideal as vibration damper due to low natural frequency

Applications AB-D oscillating mounting

  • Optimal in two mass systems as counterframe mounting
  • Ideaal oscillating mounting for horizontal dewatering screens

Rosta AB-D oscillating mounting can be used for several free oscillating systems

  • One mass system linear motion screen
  • Two mass system with counter frame

Rosta oscillating mounting compact AB-D
  • Quick response, short lines
  • Renowned manufacturers
  • Profound product knowledge
  • High reliability

We supply slewing ring bearings, oscillating mountings, tensioner devices from stock and we also have spiral bevel gearboxes, servo gears and electromechanical actuators in our delivery program.

In addition we also select and offer the right components and systems for motion control solutions, such as servo gear motors, linear servo actuators and complete XYZ cartesian systems.

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