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Our concrete and clear sustainability goals

Getting started with concrete sustainability goals

As a company that operates within the industrial sector and mechanical engineering, we realize that we can make a significant difference in the field of sustainability.
The need for sustainability is now known everywhere and is anchored in all business processes within ATB Automation.

We treat sustainability according to the well-known ATB working method: pragmatic, thorough and well organised. But also realistic: we set the bar high for ourselves, but we also realize that sustainability is a constant process in which we must be critical of our working methods at every step.

Clear and transparent communication is key :

  • we set concrete goals;
  • we show how we want to achieve these;
  • we report the results and constantly improve ourselves.

Our focus areas

ATB Automation is part of Indutrade. Indutrade has signed the UN Global Compact (UNGC) sustainability initiative. With this, both Indutrade and ATB Automation have officially committed to the sustainability goals set by the UN. These goals are the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, also known as SDGs.

We have set our sustainability goals within 3 focus areas:

  • Environment
  • People
  • Products & customers

Targets for 2030 have been set within each area. Each goal has an effect on one or more Sustainable Development Goals.

solar panels mijdrecht


Our goal is to make our company facilities completely CO2 neutral within Scope 1 & 2 before 2030. To achieve this, we invest in renewable energy, climate-neutral offices and we have a certified environmental management system. We also keep track of our emissions in the form of an official report.

Our environmental goals


We've been saying it for years: at ATB Automation we play in the premier league with our top team. We continuously work on the health, development and team spirit of our colleagues.
That is why we aim for nothing less than a safe working environment and 100% committed employees.

More about our people
ATB Automation padelclinic TEAMFOTO 2
sustainability products

Products & customers

Customer satisfaction and sustainability go hand in hand: by supplying high-quality products with a long lifespan, we make our customers' business activities more efficient and, where possible, also sustainable.

More about Products & customers

Worldfavor: making goals measurable

All data related to our goals is added to Worldfavor, a platform for collecting sustainability data. This results in an annual report that is submitted to Indutrade.

Indutrade companies are assessed based on all data.

ATB Automation Managementteam Sustainability

The vision of our management team

"We are at the basis of an important process in which sustainability is inextricably linked to the activities of ATB Automation. We are not aiming for quick solutions, but for a long-term approach with which we can really make a difference."

  • Quick response, short lines
  • Renowned manufacturers
  • Profound product knowledge
  • High reliability

We supply slewing ring bearings, oscillating mountings, tensioner devices from stock and we also have spiral bevel gearboxes, servo gears and electromechanical actuators in our delivery program.

In addition we also select and offer the right components and systems for motion control solutions, such as servo gear motors, linear servo actuators and complete XYZ cartesian systems.

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A safe machine with minimal downtime, without compromises on performance because safety techniques throw a spanner in the works. “That sounds...

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